Couples Events

Based upon Dr. Gottman's four decades of research with thousands of couples, our couples workshops strengthen happy relationships and repair distressed ones. 

(Workshops below are listed in recommended order of attendance.)

Art & Science of Love

Join the thousands of couples who have benefited from this world-renowned weekend workshop. The Art and Science of Love is a two-day workshop grounded on what actually works in relationships that are happy and stable. There will be time throughout the day for Q&A time with the presenters. During the experiential exercise times therapists will be available to work with you privately. You will learn research-based skills that will dramatically improve the intimacy and friendship in your relationship and help you manage conflict in a healthy, positive way. This workshop is designed for all couples in a committed relationship. If you have a strong relationship, this workshop will provide you with insights and tools to foster further closeness, friendship, and trust. If your relationship is distressed, this two-day workshop will provide you with a greater understanding of your relationship and a road map for repair. Shown to be equivalent to 6 months of therapy, 94% of couple report positive gains based on exit surveys.

The Seven Principles Program introduces you to a couple important aspects of relationship maintenance - the Art & Science of Love is a deeper more encompassing experience. 

Virtual Attendance options may be available. Contact us for availability. 

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Live workshops have shown to be most effective, producing positive results for 96% of those who attend based on exit surveys. If you’re unable to attend a live event consider completing The Art and Science of Love online home study from the comfort of your own living room. There is an On-Demand option where you complete the home study program on your own. For the best outcomes, consider the Self-Paced option which includes two hours of 1:1 consultation with Dr. Adam. 

ASL Online

Art & Science of Love 2

Deepen your understanding of the concepts presented in The Art and Science of Love at this workshop, designed to take your relationship to the next level. Through interactive exercises, role-plays, and presentations, you’ll refresh and expand the skills previously learned, as well as further strengthen your connection with your partner. You will be able to work together privately, receive support from Certified Gottman Therapists, and gain a fresh focus for meeting the challenges in your relationship. Most importantly, we help you put it all together so you can more deeply integrate these new behaviors with your everyday life.

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Assessment First?

While not required, some workshop couples desire to complete a Limited Assessment prior to attending a workshop. Here you will complete an extensive online questionnaire and schedule one 90-min session where we will review information and gain some insight and prescribed focus on what portion(s) of the workshop might provide the greatest benefit. Email [email protected] for more information. 


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