Certified Gottman Therapist


Dr. Adam R Smithey is Indiana's


Certified Gottman Therapist


What does this mean for you?

Dr. Smithey expertly provides highly specialized services for couples and relationships.


What's so special about counseling and workshops from a Certified Gottman Therapist (CGT)?

Becoming a Certified Gottman Therapist affords membership into a very selective club of highly trained therapists. Dr. Smithey is only the 268th CGT in the world! CGTs go through an extensive training and consultation program that consists of:

  • 50+ hours of training,
  • 100+ hours of Gottman Method Couples Therapy,
  • Approx. 10+ hours of direct consultation with a Master Certified Gottman Therapist, 
  • An exhaustive video submission review process to demonstrate mastery of the Gottman Method, and
  • Can potentially take up to 4+ years to obtain!


What is Gottman Method Therapy (GMT)?

In short, GMT is a therapeutic approach that is based on the 40+ years of scientific research with over 3,000 couples by Drs. John and Julie Gottman. GMT focuses on three primary goals to help you achieve yours:

  1. Build and tend to the friendship and respect in your relationship
  2. Manage conflict with empathy and greater self awareness
  3. Make your dreams and admirations come true for you, your partner, and your relationship

You can read more about the Gottman Research here and learn all about the Gottman Method by attending a Couples Workshop or Professional Training

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